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Inspiration to help you move into your next season with purpose, on purpose.

Taking the time and focus to journal daily can lead to personal growth and significantly impact your well-being and productivity. Get started on your journaling habit!

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Online events offer convenience, lower costs, and greater accessibility, enabling wider participation and increasing revenue for organizers. However, the digital format may result in less engagement and transformation for attendees. In contrast, in-person events provide real-time interaction and sensory engagement that aids memory and builds trust. With the rise of AI, authenticity online is challenging. Hybrid event planning bridges the gap, combining the strengths of both formats and fostering lasting relationships and transformation despite potential inconveniences.

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How you create your vision board or what it looks like has no bearing on how well it will work. The key is to have it available, in whatever form you choose, as a daily reminder to help you be intentional.

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Let me start with a controversial statement: You don’t have to subscribe to the Law of Attraction to make vision boards work for you.

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Creating a vision board, a visual representation of goal-setting has been practiced for years. It’s especially popular as the New Year approaches and people reflect on their last year.

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Pablo Picasso says the meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. I believe this is an ongoing process.

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On a Saturday afternoon, you decide to finally clean up the stacks of notebooks, journals, and piles of paper on your bookcase. The ones you put there “just for now until I can get to them”.

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I am a paper planner girl. I like to write things out and use color coding for my creative side. It helps me organize my thoughts and also helps with memory retention. There is nothing like crossing something off your To-Do List!

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Think back to when you had kids to get ready for back to school, or even when you were a kid. Summer is done- we are craving routine!

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