There are all types of “vision boards”. What they all have in common is they are meant to be a tool to focus on what’s important in your life. Below are vision board styles and tips that do not require a glue stick.
How you create your vision board or what it looks like has no bearing on how well it will work. The key is to have it available, in whatever form you choose, as a daily reminder to help you be intentional in reaching your goals.
While a “traditional” vision board, involving pictures and quotes cut from magazines and glued onto a poster board, is still popular; there are many forms and ways of vision boarding.
Here are 7 ideas for a “non-crafty” vision board:
1. Corkboard version
Buy an inexpensive corkboard and use thumbtacks to attach your photos. Using tacks makes it especially easy to move your photos around or to take some off after you’ve reached your goals. This type makes it easy to include postcards, fabric, 3-D objects, and other unusual items that speak to you.

2. Vision book
If you have multiple goals for different parts of your life, then creating a vision book keeps all those goals on separate pages but still compact in the same book. A simple journal or a larger scrapbook serves the purpose.
However, make a concerted effort to look at your book every day, or find a unique way to keep your vision book where you can see it often instead of closed up on your bookshelf.
For example, if you have a “finances” page, you may want to look at that before you do any online shopping or on your bill-paying day.
You could look through your entire book on the same day every week as you do your weekly planning. This alternative vision board style may be a good fit for you.
3. Hang a single photo
Find a single photo that represents your big dream or goal. Frame it and hang it where you will see it every day for inspiration.
Think about your daily habits and where it would be noticeable- even if it’s next to your mirror or in your closet where you get dressed daily. Seeing that picture helps with focus and intention.
4. Digital vision boards
If you love the idea of creating a vision board to help focus on your goals but don’t have dozens of old magazines lying around, simply create a digital vision board using online resources.
The mission is the same:
Prioritize what is most important in your life and choose which goals you want to achieve this year. Then find photographs that represent those goals and dreams. The only difference is you’ll find photos online and you don’t need glue or tape.
Using digital photos for this project allows you to search from the millions of photos online:
- offers completely free, high-quality photos which you simply download to your computer.
- Stock photo houses offer high-quality photos for which you pay a small fee to use.
- Google Images offers access to millions of images ONLY if you plan to keep your vision board for personal use only and NOT post it online. If at any time you think of publishing your board online in a blog post or Instagram post, rethink using Google Images as you never want to be accused of copyright infringement.
- On Pinterest, you don’t run any copyright risks because you’re pinning those desired photos onto Pinterest.
Save it as your wallpaper on your computer and phone.
Go one step further and get it professionally printed on photo paper at your local photo shop.
5. Write a vision statement
For those who are born wordsmiths, forget about the pretty pictures and write out your goals instead.
Or, you can write it as a letter to yourself, 10 years into the future. Describe what you’re doing and where you’re living, among other things, as if you’ve been living that life for 10 years and are giving an update to your long-lost friend.
Note: this is not the “Law of Attraction”. Read more here MAKE A VISION BOARD EVEN IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE IN THE LAW OF ATTRACTION
A note on this idea. Some people like to write a “vision letter” to themself- written at the end of this year and opened at the end of the next year to remind you of how much you have accomplished. This is not a true “vision” letter in the sense that you will not be using it as a daily motivation.

6. Get inspired daily with one simple word
Words are powerful, especially if you spend some time reflecting on what you want this upcoming year to look like.
A single word is also very easy to focus on in this technological world. Seeing that one word is simple for your mind to embrace and remember. Keeping this word at the forefront of your mind makes setting boundaries and making better decisions easier, simply because you have a goal.
Quite simply, post that word somewhere in your home or office where you’ll see it daily. The idea is that you’ll become motivated both in your business and personal life the more you see your chosen word. That word will help you recognize good opportunities that you may have missed in the past.
- Set up reminders on your phone, with your word.
- Incorporate meditating on that word into your morning or evening routines.
- Share your word with others for accountability.
- Write it in your planner.
- Set up a digital wallpaper for your computer with that word.
- If you’re a list person, write out action plans for the month, quarter, or year so you always know what should happen next to achieve your goals.
- Allow that word to sink into your brain and take actions every single day that drive you toward your desired result.
7. Make it portable as a vision journal
How about mixing your vision board with your journaling habit? In this vision board style, you’ll have a portable version of your vision board but also space to write down your action plans and your intentions. Two important focusing techniques mixed into one medium sounds like a winning combination!
Take a gander at Pinterest and search “vision journaling” and you’ll see many hundreds of pins with various forms of vision journals.
Some incorporate “bullet journaling”.
For example:
- Jot down simple bullet points
- What you want to accomplish in your business
- Where do you want to travel
- Your next vacation idea
Yes/ No Chart
Do you use a yes/no chart when faced with making decisions? In some ways, it’s similar to a pros/cons chart but this yes/no format helps you stay focused on your intentions for the month.
Create a simple two-column chart in your vision journal and list in both columns things you want to focus on and things you don’t want distracting you this month.
When faced with new decisions or opportunities, see where they fall into your yes/no chart before committing yourself.

Journaling daily is the best way to stay focused on your goals. When you open your journal daily, you’ll see your goal chart as well as your action steps.
Vision Boards are about feelings
Vision boards are just as much about emotions as they are about material things. Do you want to earn the sporty BMW roadster convertible or do you just want that freedom and the carefree life the photo symbolizes?
Vision boards are not solely about material things; find those photos or words that make you FEEL any positive emotion. Consider adding words, quotes, or affirmations that speak to you.
All of these expressions of vision board styles are tools to help you stay focused and intentional with your goals.
Traditionally, vision boards incorporate multiple photos or graphics and it takes up a central spot on your office wall. The alternatives above give you many choices to find the perfect fit that is unique to you.
✅ Join the 4-Day Challenge from December 29, 2023, thru January 2, 2024!
✳ Daily email action steps and a Vision Board Party on Zoom on January 1st
✳ 9:30 am to 11 am PT (11:30 am to 1 pm ET) where we will work on our Vision Boards together.
🟩 Show up in your PJs or dressed, camera off/ on, come when you can, and leave when you must!
✳ We will work on our projects together in a casual co-working format 🥂

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