hey there, I'm valerie

Let’s help you find your voice so you can step into your next chapter with confidence.

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Real Women


5 Key Ways Vision Boards Help With Goal Setting

How To

woman under pendant lights looking at the photo on the wall

Creating a vision board, a visual representation of goal-setting has been practiced for years. It’s especially popular as the New Year approaches and people reflect on their last year.

Creating a vision board, a visual representation of goal-setting has been practiced for years. It’s especially popular as the New Year approaches and people reflect on their last year.

Do you set goals for yourself, either in your personal life, professional life, or for your business? If not, how do you know you’re growing or making progress?

When was the last time you daydreamed about the type of life you want? Did your daydream end with a sigh and a whisper, “Someday…”? But just like the 8th day of the week, you will never reach Someday.

What is your why, the reason you get up in the morning, and how can you turn “someday” into reality?

A vision board is a term used to represent a visual representation of your goals and can be a word of the year, a vision journal, a hard copy of photos, or a digital board. It’s only important that whatever form you choose it is front and center in view and your daily routine and goal setting.

Join our FREE Vision Board Challenge and PARTY

1. Vision boards make you identify and focus on what’s important to you

You can make a lifeboard, but it may be too broad to focus on. Consider making a personal or professional goal board, or a financial freedom board, or whatever is the most important goal for you this coming year. You can do more than one!

Thinking about what you want in life forces you to prioritize what’s important. For example, if you want to lose weight and commit to a healthy lifestyle, find photos for your board that represent what you want.

You may include photos of people being active, a delicious-looking healthy dinner, and quotes about the benefits of being healthy. This will motivate you daily to make good decisions that move you toward your goals.

2. Visualization stimulates the creative side of your brain

Place your vision board where you will see it serves as a daily reminder of what you want to achieve.

Reviewing it before you go to sleep has been shown to stimulate your subconscious mind- not in a “keep you awake at night thinking” way- but your creative subconscious can problem solve at night while you are not arguing with it through the logical side!

Many people wake up with solutions to problems and new motivation that they did not have before a good night’s sleep.

When you are out and about, keep a small notebook handy to jot down any ideas that you have, or use the voice memo on your phone. Once you see your vision and start to focus on your goals, the ideas will start to flow.

3. Focusing on your goals makes you recognize new resources and opportunities

Visualizing yourself living the life you want will motivate you to work toward that goal.

For example, if you want to start your own business this year, you may have your dream home office on your vision board.

Not only will it motivate you to work toward that goal but you’ll also notice new opportunities or resources which can lead you to reaching that goal.

These resources may have always been present but now that you’re focused on your goal, you will see them in a new light. As a way to help you reach that intended goal.

4. Break out of your comfort zone by verbalizing a big, and probably scary, goal

When you are afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone, you get stuck in a rut. You start to convince yourself of all of the things you can’t do.

Acknowledging big goals- as outrageous and impossible as they may seem- will help you step out and take on new challenges.

If your big, impossible goal is to speak in front of thousands of people at your favorite conference; then you will start to find opportunities to speak to smaller groups.

These smaller speaking engagements will seem like no big deal,(after all, you are going to be speaking to thousands), and will give you great practice.

You will build your name recognition so that when the organizers of that big conference are looking for speakers, you will have networking connections and be prepared to submit your name.

Without that big goal, you may have said, “I can’t speak to a group of 50 people!” way back when.

5. Seeing a bigger goal forces you out of your “someday” daydream and into action

Nothing will happen without some action on your part. Vision boards, or the word of the year are not magic tricks.

They are a tool that spurs us into action because we identify what we want out of life and are motivated to pursue it.

Visualize your life living true to your values and you will be able to eliminate those things that compromise your goals. Approach each day with action steps that will lead you toward the life you want to live.

Aside from these reasons, creating vision boards can be very relaxing and an enjoyable personal or family activity.

So grab some glue and magazines and start daydreaming!

Are you ready to step out and take the Vision Board Challenge?

Join us for the Vision Board Challenge and Party from December 29, 20243 to January 2, 2024

  • Daily email with encouragement and assignments to prepare for the PARTY!
  • VISION BOARD PARTY January 1, 2024 🥂 90-minute Zoom party to build our Vision Boards together!
  • Share our boards and commit to our visions!
  • It’s FREE!!! You just need to register to join

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hey there, I'm valerie

Let’s help you find your voice so you can step into your next chapter with confidence.

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How To

Real Women


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