Let me start with a controversial statement: You don’t have to subscribe to the Law of Attraction to make vision boards work for you.
In short, the Law of Attraction teaches that “like attracts like,” and when you put forth positive energy into the world, you’ll only receive positive results in return.
All you have to do is think positively about your goals and dreams and they will become a reality. Vision boards also became a mainstream tool for manifesting those dreams with the idea that “if you dream it, you will achieve it.”
It’s similar to the “power of positive thinking”. There seem to be nuggets of truth, but it’s an overly simplified view of cause/ effect.
This thinking assumes that any failure or detour is a lack of commitment on your part. Finding out what doesn’t work, taking risks, and learning to handle setbacks are often better teachers than getting what you (think) you want.
Taking every thought captive, iron sharpens iron, and all things work together for good tells me that I don’t have the power or sole responsibility to manifest “goodness” in my life, thank God!
So why do vision boards work?
Choose your own goals
Don’t think about what you “should” work toward and please don’t choose something that OTHERS think you should do.
What makes you excited?
What will energize you to wake up every day ready to move forward?
Where does your passion lie? Dig deep to find these answers.
Nothing is off-limits. Dream big, like a horizon to head towards. The journey along the way is the fulfilling part, not just trying to cross a finish line.
Need help knowing how to start? Book a FREE call with me and tell me your story. Sometimes, clarity comes from saying it out loud.
Ask WHY these are important
Give yourself more time to look inside and discover WHY you have this goal and what you want to work toward. Is it a small change to your current situation or an overall lifestyle you want?
It often helps to think about goals in terms of how they will make you feel to be working towards them; and how you will feel when you accomplish milestones bringing you one step closer to accomplishing them.
For example, paying off your credit card debt is wise financially- but you may be looking for a feeling of security, or the opportunity to be generous when the the chance arises.
Create your action plans
Dreaming is the starting point and letting go of limiting beliefs is essential. But nothing is going to happen without action on your part.
To move forward you have to take small steps with your legs, right? If you want to win the lottery, you need to go and buy that ticket. If you want to start a business, you need to write out what you want to do.
These are all actions bringing you toward your main goal.
It starts with knowing where you are heading, but you have to focus on an action plan. Set milestones and then break them down into smaller steps.
Allow yourself to change your mind
It’s perfectly fine if your goals change midway through the year. Maybe your path to a certain goal isn’t as straightforward as you once thought; allow yourself the opportunity to correct the course or try something new.
By having a focus and taking action, we figure out what we want or don’t want.
If you have no vision, you will find yourself wandering in circles around the same obstacles at this time next year.
Bring your goal setting to a new level by creating a vision board
In conclusion, vision boards are not a magic bullet to manifest your goals into reality. They are a tool to help you focus and move forward with intentionality.
First, choose your goals and why these goals are important to you. Determine the steps and actions needed to move toward what you want. Dream big and be willing to take risks; you can always change your mind. Visually represent what you want to help you focus and stay intentional.
Join the FREE Vision Board Challenge and Party!
✅ Join the 4-Day Challenge from December 29, 2023, thru January 2, 2024!
✳ Daily email action steps and a Vision Board Party on Zoom on January 1st
✳ 9:30 am to 11 am PT (11:30 am to 1 pm ET) where we will work on our Vision Boards or Word together.
🟩 Show up in your PJs or dressed, camera off/ on, come when you can, and leave when you must!
✳ We will work on our project together in a casual co-working format 🥂

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