Need some home office ideas? Now a new and improved home office is a necessity, not just a luxury. The pandemic forced us to do things differently. We all found ourselves working from our home workspace, and many of us still are.
It’s time to pivot to our new normal. Remember when zoom used to be the sound that the car made, and now “how to look good on a zoom call” has a bazillion hits.
Employers have seen the benefit of remote staff and saved a ton of money by closing offices. And we are “meeting” with other people in totally new ways.
Our home office has taken on a whole new role. We can’t sit in our jammies and pay bills on a laptop with bedhead anymore, and the desk tucked in the corner of the spare bedroom needs an upgrade.
We don’t need to mimic the corner office with a view and an executive desk suite of furniture. There are some things that we can do to boost our productivity. Your work environment has a very real effect on you.
- working remotely for someone else
- starting or running your own business
- paying your home bills
- keeping the family on track
Your new workspace.
An office up-level is self-care; it’s about your physical health, improving the quality of your work, and feeling productive and less stressed. It can really boost your spirits. The following home office ideas can help get you motivated in creating your perfect workspace.
Overwhelmed with where to start? Get A Dozen Tips to Purge Your Home Office Clutter
Pay attention to your furniture
You will spend a lot of time in your chair. If you don’t have perfect posture, consider lower back support; a foam roller, rolled-up towel, or small pillow may work as well as an expensive ergonomic chair. And stand or stretch every 45 to 60 minutes.
Your desk doesn’t have to be expensive. Even a 48″ wide IKEA table will work and it’s deep enough for a full-size desktop computer and workspace.
I also have a 36″ (bar height) table in my office so I can spread out a project and work on it from a standing position.
It’s handy to have a bookcase if you have the room. Shelving for storage in a closet works just as well.

Improve your lighting.
One of the benefits of working from home instead of at the office is most homes don’t have harsh overhead fluorescent lighting. Assess your lighting and look for ways to make it brighter, lighter, and happier. Your workspace needs a variety of lighting sources.
Add lamps and task lighting where you need it. You may want to switch out your bulbs to a bluer spectrum. You can see a lightbulb comparison at displays in hardware stores.
Natural light is best and studies show it’s great for our mood, mental health, and productivity. See if you can set up your workstation near a window, especially for morning light.
Raise the screen.
Your computer monitor should be at eye level; if you use a laptop it is a bit trickier. You may need to set it on a stack of books and use a wireless keyboard if you do a lot of typing. You don’t want to be looking down at the screen for extended periods of time.
Try the dictating function for composing documents. Your laptop is still portable which is the main benefit of using it for your office computer.

Be video meeting ready.
Video has become the standard for meetings and presentations. The video quality and sound quality are as important as your appearance, so use headphones and a microphone. If you look gorgeous (from the waist up) but you are blurry and sound like you’re underwater then it won’t matter.
You don’t have to have a fancy backdrop if you have a neat and tidy room and a clutter-free desk.
Be aware of what’s going on behind you if you are in an open space or your office door is open. Be ready to mute your microphone or stop the video to blow your nose. And please don’t slurp your drink.
Be organized.
You shouldn’t have to shuffle everything on your desk to find your project folder like it’s some sort of treasure hunt.
Use a program like to get rid of paper piles. Digitally file those “I don’t know what to do with this crap” papers that you will need eventually, but not now.
Take the time to set up a system for the things you use the most. Whether it’s out in the open or hidden away is up to you as long as it’s an intentional system. Check out office supplies or organizing stores for home office ideas and storage options.
Your office may be a “multi-use” room so it’s important to be organized in the designated space.

There is something about a fresh notebook and matching office supplies! It’s why we love back-to-school time.
Get rid of trip hazards.
Could you get to your desk in the dark? Use velcro, zip ties, or tape for the tangle of power cords.
Whatever else is in the way, find it a home if it’s an office essential. If it belongs to someone else and should be somewhere else, get it out of your office.
Chaos and clutter are holding you back- do you realize clutter is just an unmade decision? Get on it!
Your home office reflects your personality.
Just like any other room in your home, the office is much more enjoyable when it’s beautiful and fits your vibe. Stay true to your personal style as it fits into the function of the space and add personal mementos, your favorite colors, candles or diffusers, or plants. Stream ambient soundscapes from YouTube or Spotify- jazz, classical, nature, rock- whatever inspires you.

Start a Pinterest board for home office ideas and see what style fits you. You spend a lot of time in your workspace so make it a reflection of what you love. Bring it up to the level you deserve.
- Workspace
- Furniture
- Lighting
- Computer or laptop
- Video set up
- Organization
- Safety and clutter
- Personality
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