Discover how to navigate the challenges of midlife transitions and break free from the pitfalls of overthinking. Here is a roadmap to a renewed sense of purpose, by starting with the end in mind and emphasizing the significance of understanding your “why”. Whether you’re looking to find direction in midlife, ignite a transformation, or just […]
Discover how to navigate the challenges of midlife transitions and break free from the pitfalls of overthinking. Here is a roadmap to a renewed sense of purpose, by starting with the end in mind and emphasizing the significance of understanding your “why”. Whether you’re looking to find direction in midlife, ignite a transformation, or just searching for ways to answer the question, “What’s new with you?”, embrace the journey of midlife with confidence, knowing that it’s never too late to find your purpose and make a genuine difference. Remember, Someday is NOT the 8th day of the week; start living intentionally today.
We all go through transitions in life and you find yourself in a new season. Everything has changed, your roles, your goals- your body! Nothing seems to fit anymore. You have to decide if you are going to stay stuck and disconnected from a life that has moved on without you. Overthinking is often a result of not knowing where to start because you don’t know where you are headed.
Overthinking is often a result of not knowing where to start because you don’t know where you are headed.
The pitfalls of overthinking in midlife
What is “Overthinking”? GoodRX Health defines it — when you repetitively dwell on the same thought or situation over and over to the point that it disrupts your life. Overthinking usually falls into two categories: ruminating about the past and worrying about the future.
Dwelling on past mistakes, or even unrealistically recalling the “good old days” leads to anxiety about what lies ahead. We are naturally uncomfortable with the unknown.
We lack confidence in where we are going or can’t even seem to make a decision about the direction we want to head in. Thinking about our future- whether next week, next year or the next decade- gives us the false sense that we are making progress but prevents us from taking any action.
Renewed purpose starts with vision
When you have a vision of where you are headed, you will get up each day with a renewed sense of purpose because you know your next step and are intentional about taking it.
When someone asks, “What’s new with you”? You have an answer!
You have a direction and an excitement that you can share with others- encouraging them that it’s never too late to find your purpose and make a difference. It’s not starting over, you are starting again because you know that Someday is NOT the 8th day of the week!
The power of starting with the end in mind
Begin With the End in Mind means beginning each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination, and then continuing by flexing your proactive muscles to make things happen.
In midlife, you can start to feel a sense of panic that you are running out of time. But think about this- what were you doing 10 years ago? What did you wish you would have started pursuing 10 years ago? Do you want to be saying the same thing 10 years from now?
Overthinking in midlife is keeping you from your purpose.
What are you waiting for? Why are you wasting time as if someone was making more?
You don’t have to have everything figured out. There is no “finish line”. There is a direction that suits you uniquely and the benefit of looking back over where you have been and what you have accomplished will unravel the common thread of what your life purpose is.
It’s not a goal or line to cross, but a guiding star on the horizon to head toward. It’s called your “Why”.
The significance of the “Why”
A contributing factor to overthinking is that you try to figure out the “how” before you wrestle with your “why”. Your why is your identity- who you are at your core- and your how are the roles you have managed throughout your life seasons.
For example, my long-term dream is to own a property where I can host retreats, family reunions, and getaways, and provide a place away from the day-to-day routine for people to reconnect with themselves and others that are important to them.
When I look back over what I have done in the past, what lights me up, and what I am good at; hospitality is the common thread. I love to have people over to my house (including my large family and any friends they want to invite). I’ve worked or volunteered as a wedding coordinator, event planner, and retreat host. I love organizing and planning down to the last detail.
Those things and roles are the “how”. My real “why” is that I want every person at a retreat, large event, or backyard BBQ to feel like they are special, noticed, and that they belong. I put the time and effort into making every detail special and meaningful so YOU feel like I think you are worth thinking about. The preparation is worthy of a VIP.
Embracing the journey of midlife with confidence and purpose
You have an invaluable asset to help you navigate your next season. Its experience. There is no shortcut to the wisdom of age, and if you are still privileged to be alive you have a purpose. Don’t squander the gift of living by overthinking and not moving forward. Don’t let overthinking in midlife hold you back from your purpose.
Don’t do it alone, you need friends and a coach to come alongside you on this journey.
We talk about “Someday” like there is an 8th day of the week. Day by day goes by and you stay in the familiar, the comfortable. Life seasons change and you can feel like life has moved on and left you behind.
Uncertainty, uneasiness, and dissatisfaction are the hard, good things that move you forward!
Join a group of friends that understand where you are, and they get you. We encourage each other as we find our voice, dream our big dreams, and figure out how to get there.
Let’s take a road trip together- set our GPS to “someday”. We’ll figure out where that is for you, where you are starting from, and how to get there. One turn at a time. Road trips are always better with friends, especially when we have to navigate some detours and construction.
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