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Real Women


Sorting Out Mind Clutter and Indecision: A Path to Clarity

How To, Insights, Lifestyle

woman sitting in front of macbook on Zoom meeting with head in hands

What is “mind clutter” anyway? Just like physical clutter, mind clutter is an unmade decision. You can’t decide where to put something so you put it down “just for now”. You fully intend to take care of it later. Holding that thought results in overload and indecision.

Sorting out mind clutter will help eliminate indecision and decision fatigue, and clear the path to clarity.

What is “mind clutter” anyway? Just like physical clutter, mind clutter is an unmade decision. You can’t decide where to put something so you put it down “just for now”. You fully intend to take care of it later.

Whenever you see that physical thing (or stack, pile, list of to-dos), “later” becomes your excuse. You tell yourself you don’t have the time or energy to deal with it now, but you will later.

Eventually, your brain comes up with a solution to deal with the clutter. Wouldn’t the smart thing to do be to decide where it goes, put it away, or just do the list?

Instead, our brain says, “Ignore it”. Don’t see it anymore. Then you don’t need to deal with it. How many clutter piles or undone things are you no longer seeing?

chaotic pile of books causing mind clutter and indecision
Mind clutter is mental chaos.

Mind clutter is mental chaos. Feeling overwhelmed by a whirlwind of thoughts is a common struggle, especially when facing big life decisions. 

Mind clutter stems from overthinking and indecision, leading to stress and anxiety. It drains our emotional energy.

It’s crucial to recognize that this clutter is often a collection of unmade decisions and unresolved thoughts. By addressing these, we can find clarity.

Steps to Clear Mind Clutter

Let’s explore steps to clear this clutter, tackle fears, and move forward with confidence that you can start making small decisions that won’t be too overwhelming. Set a short time (15-30 minutes) on your calendar one day this week to tackle these steps:

Don’t try to finish the list in the first go.

  1. ➡️ Acknowledge and identify- Write down all the thoughts swirling in your mind. Categorize them into immediate, short-term, and long-term concerns. (Sticky notes or index cards work great for this)
  2. ➡️ Sort through fears and objections- Ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that could happen if I take this step?” and “What will I miss out on if I don’t?” Are your objections based on fear or fact?
  3. ➡️ Make ONE small decision- Start with a small, manageable decision. This action interrupts the cycle of overthinking. Celebrating a small win reduces anxiety and builds confidence. Think about how good it feels to ✅ something off your to-do list.
  4. ➡️ Take ONE small step- Focus on the next step, rather than the whole journey. This keeps the process more mentally and emotionally manageable.

Now, you can schedule your next one time you will work on this.

Energizing vs. Draining Tasks

Our daily activities significantly impact our mental state. Some tasks invigorate us, while others drain our energy, contributing to mind clutter.

Energizing tasks are activities that align with our passions and strengths. These may include creative projects, exercise, or learning something new.

Draining tasks are routine or mundane tasks that feel like obligations, such as excessive meetings, household chores, or dealing with difficult people.

We all have to do some tasks that are draining and would like to fill our days with energizing tasks. While this is not always possible, we can find a better balance.

Prioritize energizing tasks (whatever you defined those to be) and incorporate more of them into your day to boost energy and reduce mental clutter. Maybe an afternoon nap would be energizing for you while an afternoon walk would be most energizing for someone else.

*Delegate or simplify your draining tasks, such as picking a time of day to get them done more efficiently, *delegating them to someone else, or deleting them whenever possible. These tasks are often the result of making commitments to please someone else.

Gaining a Clear Plan of Action

1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve. Clear goals provide direction and purpose. For more help with setting goals, read Your Someday Dream: A Step-by-Step Guide

2. Break Down Goals: Divide larger goals into smaller, actionable steps. This makes the process manageable and less overwhelming.

3. Create a Routine: Establish a daily routine that includes time for planning, reflection, and self-care. Consistency helps maintain clarity and focus.

4. Use Tools and Resources: Utilize planners, journals, and apps to keep track of tasks and progress. These tools can help organize thoughts and actions. Seeing progress keeps you motivated.

5. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to a coach, mentor, or support group. Sharing your journey with others can provide valuable insights and encouragement.

Ready to Clear the Clutter

Clearing mind clutter and overcoming indecision is about making small, intentional decisions and taking steady steps forward. By understanding the impact of our tasks and creating a clear plan of action, we can navigate through fears and uncertainties toward a more meaningful and satisfying life.

What’s Next

Feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start? Download our “10-Minute Daily Planner for Busy Women” for free and begin your journey to clarity today. Sign up now to get instant access!

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hey there, I'm valerie

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