Do you feel like you need to reconnect to your purpose in order to start living intentionally and share your unique gifts?
Do you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions? 🔄
You check off your daily to-dos, but deep down, there’s a nagging feeling that something’s missing.
You’ve worked hard to get to where you are, but somewhere along the way, you lost sight of your passions, your creativity, and the unique gifts that make you who you were created to be.
You’re not alone. Many women feel disconnected from their true purpose wondering if they’re really living the way the once dreamed of. The world demands so much of us that it’s easy to get swept up in the busyness and forget the bigger picture: who you are, what you love, and why you’re here.
It’s never too late to reconnect with what matters most and to share your gifts. That inner voice urging you to live with more intention won’t go away, so trust your gut. Don’t buy into “it’s too late to start over” thinking.
Don’t buy into “it’s too late to start over” thinking. We can live many lifetimes between our –> years <–!
And in doing so, you not only transform your own life but also get to serve others in meaningful ways.
✅ Focus on these 6 steps to living intentionally…
1. Get Clear on What Truly Matters to Your Intentional Living
The first step to intentional living for most women is reconnecting with their core values. These are the guiding principles that shape how you live, love, and lead. When your life is driven by your values, you feel fulfilled and energized. When it’s out of sync, you feel drained and disconnected.
Gut check: Are you excited to get out of bed in the morning, or do Mondays make you wish it were Friday already? Monday and Tuesday are tolerated, Wednesday is “hump-day” to make you hang on a little longer, Thursday is “Friday eve” and you can’t wait for the weekend.
Unfortunately, the weekend turns into catching up on sleep, laundry, grocery shopping, house-cleaning, binging Netflix, and packing your lunches for the coming week. And it is Monday. Again.
Take a moment to reflect on what really matters to you. What are the things that bring you joy and light you up inside? Is it creativity? Connection? Adventure? Growth? Authenticity? List them out.
Are you prioritizing these values in your daily life? If not, it’s time to make space for them. Living with purpose isn’t about adding more to your plate; it’s about focusing on the things that nourish your soul.
Action Step:
Make a list of your top 5 core values. Then, examine how your current routine supports—or neglects—those values. What’s one small change you can make this week to honor what matters most to you?
2. Reconnect with Your Gifts and Talents
We all have unique gifts—skills, talents, and passions that set us apart. But sometimes, we push those gifts aside, either because we’re too busy, don’t believe in ourselves, or we don’t see how they could serve anyone else. But reconnecting with your gifts and talents is one of the most empowering things you can do to realign with your true purpose.
The meaning of life is to discover your gifts, the purpose of life is to give them away.
Pablo Picasso
Think about the things you’re naturally good at—the activities that come effortlessly and make you lose track of time. Maybe you have a talent for writing, design, problem-solving, or nurturing relationships. Whatever it is, those abilities are a window into your purpose.
Action Step:
Take inventory of your gifts. Write down three things you’re great at or passionate about. If you don’t know, ask your closest friends and family, or think about what others ask you to help them with.
Then, brainstorm how you can use these gifts in your daily life, whether it’s in your career, a side project, or even volunteering.
3. Set Intentional Goals to Live a Meaningful Life
Depending on our personalities, we tend to gravitate to one of two extremes; either we hustle (and call it “busy”) or we go with the flow (aka complacency) and settle for not rocking the boat.
That’s why living a meaningful life starts with setting goals that go beyond traditional markers of success or compliance.
The key to intentional living is not in what you are doing, but in how it makes you feel.
When your goals are grounded in your core values and purpose, they become far more meaningful. For example, instead of setting a goal to “get a promotion,” you might set a goal to “find a career path that allows me to express my creativity and make a positive impact.” See the difference?
Action Step:
Choose one area of your life—career, relationships, health—and set an intentional goal around it.
How do I want to feel?
Then, align your goal with that feeling. Write down what steps you can take to bring this goal to life, and focus on progress, not perfection.
4. Create Daily Rituals That Support Your Purpose
Living with intention is a two-way street. You need to think about what’s important to you- where you are headed- and set some milestones to get there.
Those milestones need to be broken down into goals/ plans, and then into daily habits. One doesn’t work without the other.
Maybe you don’t want to spend the majority of your week, all those work hours, mindlessly going through your to-do list. Your big goal is to be more present each day noticing what you can do to make a difference.
Action Step:
Maybe it’s starting your morning with 10 minutes of quiet to ask where you can bless someone today and then anticipating those opportunities.
Or maybe it’s journaling before bed to reflect on your day and reconnect with your goals. Even something as simple as taking a daily walk to clear your mind can be a powerful way to stay in touch with your purpose.
The key is consistency. Over time, these small actions compound, leading to a more intentional, purpose-driven life.
5. Stop the Noise in Your Head and Silence the Inner Critic
Living in your purpose requires you to trust yourself and your gifts. But here’s the catch: self-doubt and fear have a sneaky way of creeping in, convincing you that you’re not enough or that your dreams are too big.
Sound familiar? That’s your inner critic talking.
The truth is, you are worthy of pursuing your purpose and living the life you’ve imagined. You have a unique combination of talents, experiences, and perspectives that no one else does. The world needs what only you can offer, and the key to living with purpose is learning to own your worth.
I’d even go so far as to say you have a responsibility to release this. I call it “spendable wisdom”, the insights you have been given that are meant to be shared.
Action Step:
The next time self-doubt creeps in, pause. Take a deep breath and ask yourself, What if this thought isn’t true? Then, write down a positive thought to counter the negative belief. For example, if your inner critic says, “I’m not good enough,” replace it with, “I have everything I need to succeed.”
On the flip side, don’t doubt your intuition- your gut reaction. My grandma used to call it your “knowing”. When you feel strongly about something you should not dismiss it.
6. Find Community and Accountability for Intentional Living
Living intentionally and stepping into your purpose doesn’t have to be a solo journey. In fact, it’s much easier (and more enjoyable) when you surround yourself with a supportive community that will hold you accountable and be your biggest cheerleaders.
It’s like sharing a road trip full of potholes, detours, and construction; you need to have those travel companions to encourage you when things get tough.
If you’re feeling isolated in your journey, consider joining a group coaching program, attending workshops, or finding a mentor. These spaces offer not only guidance but also the camaraderie of others who are on a similar path.
Action Step:
Look for a community or group that aligns with your interests and goals. Whether it’s a weekend retreat, a local meetup, or a structured coaching program, find a space where you can share your journey, ask for support, and celebrate your wins.
You Deserve to Live a Purposeful, Intentional Life
You have everything you need to start living a meaningful life in alignment with your purpose. By reconnecting with your values, embracing your gifts, and setting intentional goals, you’ll begin to create a life that not only serves you but also serves the world around you.
The journey may not always be easy, but it’s worth it. And you don’t have to do it alone. There are others who want to share their journey with you. You have the tools to live with intention and share your unique gifts with the world.
Ready to take the next step in your journey?
If you’re ready to dive deeper and want support on your path to intentional living, my upcoming 6-week group coaching course is designed specifically for women like you—women who are ready to reconnect with their purpose and use their gifts to make an impact.
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