hey there, I'm valerie

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How To

Real Women


Overcome Fear of Change and Uncertainty. What If?

How To, Insights

spiral notebooks placed on white cloth with burning candle

Do you wonder how to overcome fear of change and uncertainty? Have you ever found yourself lying awake at night, wondering, What if?

Do you wonder how to overcome fear of change and uncertainty? Have you ever found yourself lying awake at night, wondering, What if?

What if you made that career change, started that new hobby, or took that leap of faith to pursue a more fulfilling life? But then, as quickly as those thoughts come, the fear of change and uncertainty about your future creep in, wrapping around you like a heavy blanket of doubt.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many women know there is something more and experience this internal tug-of-war. How do you confront this fear of change head-on, unravel the uncertainty, and start making decisions that lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life?

Change is a scary concept, especially when you’ve invested years into building a career, raising a family, or getting comfortable and complacent in your lifestyle. For many, this fear is incapacitating by convincing yourself that it’s safer to stay in your comfort zone rather than pursue something that genuinely excites us. But the real question is, what’s scarier? The fear of change or the regret of not living a life true to yourself?

What’s scarier? The fear of change or the regret of not living a life true to yourself?


Here’s the truth: the fear of change stems from a natural human instinct to protect ourselves from the unknown. But when we let this fear control us, we end up living a life of “what ifs” instead of “why nots.”

Recognizing the signs that you’re struggling with the fear of change is the first step toward overcoming it. Do these resonate with you when you are feeling this anxiety?

  1. You feel stuck in a rut. You feel dissatisfied but can’t pinpoint why or how to break free.
  2. You overthink every decision. You’re constantly weighing the pros and cons, paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice.
  3. You avoid taking risks. You cling to the familiar, even if it no longer serves you.
  4. You experience self-doubt. You question your ability to succeed in a new endeavor or feel unworthy of something better.

How many things in this list had you shaking your head in agreement?

Understanding why we fear change can help us dismantle these barriers. For many high-achieving professionals, change represents a loss of control. Our brains are wired to seek stability and predictability. When faced with the possibility of change, the brain’s “fight or flight” response kicks in, urging us to retreat to the safety of our comfort zone.

Another psychological factor at play is confirmation bias. This means we tend to look for evidence that supports our current beliefs, even if they limit us. If you believe that change is risky, you’ll unconsciously seek out stories, experiences, or advice that confirm this belief, reinforcing your fear.

The key to overcoming the fear of change lies in reframing how you perceive uncertainty. Instead of viewing it as a threat, what if you saw it as an opportunity for growth? Imagine what could happen if you approached change with curiosity instead of fear.

  • Instead of “What if I fail?” try “What if I succeed?”
  • Instead of “I’m not ready,” try “I’m willing to learn.”

When you shift your mindset, you open yourselves up to possibilities you never imagined. Every great success story began with someone willing to step into the unknown.

Curiosity of child looking through camera lens with the fear of change clouding her thoughts
Are you fearlessly curious or do you fear change?

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges, adapt to change, and keep moving forward despite setbacks. Cultivating resilience is crucial when facing the fear of uncertainty. What can you do to develop it?

Embrace the growth mindset by believing that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This mindset encourages taking risks and learning from failure, rather than avoiding it.

Focus on what you can control even though you can’t control everything. You can control how you respond to situations. Start with small changes that feel manageable, and gradually tackle bigger challenges.

Practice self-compassion and give yourself permission to make mistakes and learn from them. Be kind to yourself when things don’t go as planned.

Visualize your ideal future and spend time imagining what your life would look like if you overcame your fears. Visualization helps your brain create a roadmap toward achieving those goals, making them feel more attainable.

Let’s translate this into actionable steps to help you face the fear of change and uncertainty:

✓ Identify your fears by writing down everything that scares you about making a change. This exercise helps externalize your fears, making them less overwhelming.

✓Challenge your beliefs, and for every fear you’ve listed, write down a positive counter-argument. For example, if you fear failure, counter it with, “Failure is an opportunity to learn and grow.”

✓Take small steps because you don’t have to make drastic changes overnight. Start with small, manageable actions that align with your goals. Each small and intentional step forward builds momentum.

✓Surround yourself with support! Seek out people who encourage you, whether it’s a mentor, coach, or supportive friend. Their positive influence can help you stay on track.

While the fear of change is natural, so is the desire for growth. That “something more” answer is waiting for you on the other side of that fear:

  • Personal growth and development ✓ Embracing change forces you out of your comfort zone, allowing you to develop new skills, perspectives, and strengths.
  • Increased fulfillment ✓ By pursuing what truly matters to you, you’ll feel more aligned with your values, passions, and purpose.
  • Greater confidence ✓ Overcoming challenges builds self-assurance, proving that you can handle whatever life throws your way.

The next time you catch yourself spiraling into a “what if” moment, try flipping the script. Instead of letting fear dictate your decisions, use it as fuel to propel you forward. Fear is a sign that you’re on the brink of something meaningful, a signal that change is necessary for growth.

Imagine if the next time you asked, “What if?” the answer was, “What if this turns out better than I ever imagined?”

No one has all the answers, and that’s okay. Embracing the uncertainty of your future requires a willingness to let go of the need for control and trust that everything will work out as it should. Take comfort in knowing that you don’t need to have your entire journey mapped out – just take one step at a time.

The fear of change and uncertainty about your future will always be there, but that doesn’t mean it has to control your life. By shifting your mindset, building resilience, and taking small, actionable steps, you can transform fear into an opportunity for growth and fulfillment.

So, what if you took that chance? What if you allowed yourself to embrace change and the uncertainty of your future? You might just find that the life you’ve been dreaming of is closer than you think.

The fear of change is a common experience, but it doesn’t have to be your story. You have the power to rewrite your next pages, step into the unknown, and create a future that aligns with your deepest desires and values.

The greatest risk you can take is not taking one at all. Now is the time to overcome your fear of change and uncertainty and step into the life you were meant to live.


The 6-week Dream to Reality Roadmap ~ From “Someday” Thinking to What’s Next Action

Contact information for Valerie Mummert Coaching

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hey there, I'm valerie

Let’s help you find your voice so you can step into your next chapter with confidence.

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